Should I Hire an Attorney to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Virginia?

You’re by no means the only one in Virginia who has suffered from a work-related sickness or injury. With over 65,000 workers affected each year, it’s crucial to make sure that your medical expenses are paid for and income loss benefits are protected. It might be difficult to obtain the benefits you are entitled to under Virginia’s workers’ compensation laws. It’s critical to speak with an expert attorney after being injured at work in Richmond to make sure your rights are safeguarded.

How can an employment lawyer help your compensation claim?

Even for mild illnesses or injuries with little effect on your ability to work, you are not required to hire an attorney for your workers’ compensation claim. But navigating the complexity of workers’ compensation may be difficult. It is advised to speak with a workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible following an injury. Workers’ compensation payouts are meant to compensate for medical costs if you’ve suffered serious injuries as well as to give disability payments while you’re recovering. Although getting these benefits without legal counsel when making a claim is not guaranteed, they may be extremely vital.

By reducing the likelihood that your claim will be denied, assuring fast benefit approval, arranging essential medical care, gathering disability proof, and aiding with the appeals process if your claim is originally refused, a workers’ compensation lawyer can play a vital role in your case. You can negotiate the intricacies with their assistance and increase your chances of getting the advantages you require.

What do I need to do?

It’s critical to contact a Virginia workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible after suffering an accident. If immediate medical attention is required, give it first priority. Your claim may be impacted by your post-injury activities and remarks. 

Quickly retaining legal counsel can offer direction and help avoid issues or delays. If you put off getting legal counsel, you run the risk of making mistakes that might jeopardize your case and reduce your eligibility for workers’ compensation payouts.

Final thoughts:

Virginia’s workers’ compensation benefits consist of two crucial parts. First, medical benefits pay for reasonable medical costs associated with your injuries up until you obtain full health or “maximum medical improvement.” Second, up to a maximum amount set by state law, you are entitled to wage-replacement benefits if your disability prevents you from working for more than seven days. 

Melinda Jung